Last thing to fix before getting on and shooting tests is the take up power suplies for the 120V/AC motors. Budget restraint means I’m using cheap electronic transformer/variac but it seems to work. Ideally I’d like to design somekind of clockwork mech for the mag film tensions because its hard to make this camera portable with a 120 volt supply. The camera motor and PSU can run of 36v and I’ve built a PSU that uses 2 x Makita lion batteries. Seems crazy to need 120v just to keep film on t-cores so clockwork is the answer.

(NB) Alright its not the final thing. Im actually just designing a viewfinder that uses the boresight access hole on the optical axis of this camera. This camera is a NON-reflex type, its also not even a rack-over type. Once you compose, you need to fit the sprockets, load the film and work blind!