The printer has gates for super 16mm and standard 16mm. Also it has 35mm gates. This means it can be set up for 16mm > 16mm copying, duplicating, positive from negative, 35mm > 16mm reduction copying, duping or printing to positive, 16mm to 35mm copying, duping, internegatives and positive blowups and 35mm > 35mm all of the above. Remember the internegative and interpositive Kodak stocks for conservation work (2234 and 2366) are only available on 35mm.

It has a long bed geared travel which means it can reduce a 16mm frame significantly, almost too small to be seen. For instance this could be used to composite two 16mm frames into one 16mm frame or better into one 35mm frame.


The lens is a Kinoptik Apochromat 1/2 F=100mm (sn 1000288) which is extremely sharp and has a high lp/mm of about 80+ at F8. The chart below doesnt have any specific provenance but I am looking into this.
























I also have a plate mount for Nikon F lenses of which I have a few so special uses can be made of these types of lens.

Some success has been achieved using coloured gels to correct colour negative to colour positive on 16mm.

I have 400ft and 1000ft magazine for 16 and 35.

I aso have a bi-pack magazine for producing hi-contrast pairs and special FX if anyone wants to explore these types of operations.Its a 35mm magazine and I am adapting it for 16mm as well.