Here is a shot of the open studio light piece with shadows of ping pong balls configured to imagine a planetary event. The projector was a rank tutor with its normal lens removed and instead a 35mm cinema lens. The small ball is levitating, the large one also appears to be floating.
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Finally after years of effort our collection of 35mm Kung Fu trailers has been scanned and released by Severin. See the details at Severins site.
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Frames found under the pedastol of the Kalee21 projector we have been using at the Cube Cinema since 1998 that was recently retired to make way for some modern machines. For an 18 year period I thought this small sample of wasted, discarded, lost or just dropped frames would make a good Archeo-Cube project. So I am going to scan …
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I’ve been doing more tests with film surface distress and a better set up to rephotograph. This frame shows the effect after only minutes exposure to the distressing agent. The circular area is about 5mm in diameter.
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Here is the basics of a small rig I am going to use to make digital copies of a small amount of Nitrate film found at the Cube Cinema a few years ago. The b/w positive print dates from 1947 and appears to be a short Charlie Chaplin film. I am going to have to build a base with X, …
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I’m asking people this question. Seeking peoples definitions in simple terms. Here I will compile the answers. If this question was “what is A cinema” we would get answers that only relate to he institution of a building and its use and this would weight the enquiry too much in one (predicatable) direction. James Reed “Film based projection” (he was …
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After a hard care share journey to Hannover (5 hours) we were dropped rather weirdly at the wrong place. We eventually got a train to Hannover and were met by Peter Hoffman from K-I-S. We walked to the cinema and were very impressed by this place. I’m jumping to the screening …
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So we showed the film at Cinema Nova on thursday and did a Q&A afterwards with some great questions and surprise visitors. Namely Leah, old Cube volunteer who popped up in Brussels. It was amazing to see everyone at Nova again, Guill, Seb, Katia, Phillip and meet new people like Denise. The film was warmly received and looked great projected …
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Cinema Nova, Brussels, Belgium. Feral Trade coffee delivered to Nova Cinema in Brussels by agent working for the Cube Cinema FTBTC tour of europe, 1st Leg. This is a list of Cinemas on the tour in chrono order. Nova Cinema, Brussels. Kino-Im-Sprengel, Hannover. B-Movie, Hamburg. Regenbogenkino, Berlin. Husets Biograf, Copenhagen.
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