Written on Apr, 28, 2015 by in ,

Nice acquisition, portable 35mm by Microcine, Italian.  Planning on using it for Vi image/projection on 6th June at qujunktions Dark Matter event. Its meant to be portable and the handle suggests that one person could lift it up. One person can NOT lift it up and its the hardest to lace up 35mm projector Ive ever worked on.  

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Written on Apr, 28, 2015 by in

An everso slightly (digitally) tweaked photo of a cameraless film test in progress.

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After 17 years I finally got my 1996 film Crow / Pylon Configuration digitised. It is going to be screened at Kino-Im-Sprengel In Hannover next week. Here are some frame grabs. Back in 96 there was only Standard definition. Now though HD has really helped the case for film because I can scan the original A and B rolls of …

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Written on Feb, 23, 2015 by in ,

Ive been borrowing Nagras from the BBC in Bristol (Thanks go to Iain Hunter) for recent projects involving using tape to record and playback sound but have finally acquired a 4:2 for myself. This will now let me further research several projects that can only use this kind of technology. Essentially an exceptionally well engineered portable sound recording device.

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Did the 4th Film Jam at the Cube Cinema on Saturday as part of the Hendo nights that go on there. We last did film jams over 12 – 14 years ago back in the early days of the Cube. Mega thanks to Rod Maclachlan  for coming and jamming.    

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Written on Feb, 05, 2015 by in

Had time on Tuesday to reinstate the optical printer to its last assembly. Most functions run ok except the camera. My electronics engineer Kyle is going to help redesign all the circuit controllers so we can expand and enhance the functions of this machine. It was cobbled together to allow blow up printing from S16mm to 35mm. With some extra …

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Written on Jan, 30, 2015 by in

A piece of old scrap I bought online actually looks like an ingenious 35mm step printer with very similar movement to the big Matipo machine built by Debrie. Its meant for very short lengths of film and might have been adapted for use as an analysis projector at some point.  Anyway another project to add to the Lab list.  

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Written on Nov, 10, 2014 by in

Pleased to be included in Magic + Dreams 12,000 Seconds cassette release with Hacker Farm on the other side. Not seen the actual tapes yet but you can preview some tracks here    

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Written on Oct, 07, 2014 by in

Heres a recent table set up for a Vi gig at the Arnolfini, Bristol, England. Supporting David Grubbs

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Written on Oct, 06, 2014 by in

                            Found this logo in an old Cinematographer magazine from the 70’s. Think it would be a good logo for Nachleben

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