2 2008 Project page needs redoing. Have things like 404 conversion and planned Bugs Mod, MFB module box, recordings with Toss (samplers), speaker projects, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 VI see also works-shedules file. VI (also objects for website) Most important thing. Description of work and marketing publicity object. (dvd,cd,tape, etc)- towards getting gigs! VI pieces of work. Website, processes, documentation. Are things being made? Custom PA as instrument? DVD, recording and mastering down to CD of pieces, logfile of pieces on CDs. recordings need following information 1. name of track, version, date made. 2. MAQ seq track number. 3. Tabulation of track structure with reference to 404 sheets and whole track design notes for recalling. (this needs table/structure itself ideal project for php) 5. Video file of track. Stereoscope! Scrapbook webpages with audio/video clips. Next moves. Cover tracks using famous rythms. (Need drumstation). 17 albums! Need keyboard and basic lessons (scales, chords). GIGS. Idea is to set up a tour of art galleries and art centres along Bristol Channel.Tenby,Swansea, Cardiff (chapter), Bideford, Ilfracombe, Minehead, Bridgwater, Burnham, Weston Super Mare, Lynton-Lynmouth, etc. TOUR concept, coastal effects of BC/EC/SS (bristol channel, english channel severn sea) First though some presentation/marketing plan based on what can be achieved live must be developed, ie film of PA and concert being carried physically by people or animals. Also GIGS on Trains and Boats, maybe industrial museum. Also collaborations with dancers, performers.